BRIDGING (The Video Diary, Part 2)
It's been a hectic few days... Mat and I have had the arduous task of wandering around Milan... followed by several days eating and drinking whilst listening to the ambient sounds of Lake Como on our doorstep and have just arrived in Venice after a whistle stop tour of Verona.
It's a hard life. Here's a photo to illustrate the daily grind...

(Photo by my lovely husband, Mathew)*
HOWEVER, in and amongst this terribly difficult time we've been having, we have made progress with our bridging application - we signed, witnessed and Fedexed... SO HERE IS VIDEO DIARY NUMBER TWO to explain the ups and downs, as we did have one particularly manic day in Milan getting everything sorted! (Make sure you stay tuned for the solicitor's office we visited in Milan - they're not this grand in the UK!?)
Since filming this, we have had some minor panic with our management pack (or lack thereof), the deed of covenant and a particularly stubborn (read: absent) vendor. So if you thought THIS video was dramatic... wait until the next one!
See you then!

*Obviously Mathew took the photo... I'm not sure who else would have...